miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

Know Your Audience

No matter what you are writing a presentation, a report, a letter, a memo it is always important to understand the needs of your particular audience. Ask yourself:who will read or see this piece of writing?, what do I want them to know?, what background do they bring?, what do I want this piece of writing or presentation to accomplish?.

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

Presentation Skills

Presentation software can be used to present information ina classroom setting and to provide information to a variety of audiences. Business use PowerPoint to report activities or findings, and. PowerPoint will help you to give a proffecional-looking presentations that are well-organized, focused, and engaging.A well designd presentation will help you make a good impression on your co-workers, as well as your superiors. Companies use presentation software when they need to educate or train their employees.PowerPoint allows users to illustrate their presentations with charts, tables, text, diagrams, and pictures. to make your presentation an effective communication tool in the workplace you need to remember to identify your audience, keep texte brief and to the point, use attractive color schemes, use animation sparingly, rehearse your presentation, revise your presentation, speak clearly, and speak to the audience not only read the slides. In medical ssistants presentations are often given to demonstrate new techniques and procedures.Postsecondary teachers will have the greatest number of memmbers in 2014.

viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012

Unit 4- Lesson 1 introduction to charts: Chosing the Right Graphs

We choose those graphs because they can help us to show the chages, sales etc. The pie graph show how many weeks was in the first place each graph. The bar graph is to show which is the most popular song downloaded on iTunes. The line graph shows the changes that has ocured in the history of the X Games for the past years. The scatter graph shows how many comic books were sold on March.

martes, 31 de enero de 2012

Charts, Graphs, and Diagrams

      Charts, graphs and diagrams organize information so that you can compare numbers easily. Creating a chart or other visual representation of data is an effective communication tool. Spreadsheets and graphs are used to organizine better your work. There are different types of charts used, because that can show the diffence and how is everything changing every month or every year.The main puurpose of charts,graph and diagrams is that the people can understand better the total of some business or something that they do. Sometimes is better to present data as a graphic than as numers or words, because that show clear and better the information oft he data. For example when you have a grocery store you can use a graph or a chart to show how many did you sale every month and how the sales are increasing or decreasing.

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Excel Enhancement

      In lesson 3 we learn alot about how to use microsoft excel. We learn how to do a cell style that is really eassy. SmartArt Graphic is a program to make different cainds of graphics to represent a numeric result from a monthly, weekly, or annually from something like for the rent of a house, or the cost of different things. Theme/table style/autoformat is another thing that we learn how to do in excel, this is to gave a cool style to a table to have a great job. You can add a different types of features like Borde, Text alignment/vertical, Merge/center, Sheet name, Tab color, Font style, etc. You can add alot of features into excel woorkbook.

jueves, 12 de enero de 2012

Using Math Formulas


        You use math formulas every day without even realizing it.You might use a formula to figure out how much you will earn taking care of your neighbor's house. Excel can help you balance your checkbook or figure out how much it will cost to give a party. Excell calculates the same way you do calculations in your math class. The order of precedence states which part of formula you calculate first. Some math operations, such as multiplication, take precedence over others. Excel will compute the multiplication first, then addition, and then subtraction.

             The formulas are very important because they tell you what do you have to do and how you have to do it. You can use them to figure out how much money do you need to make a party or how much are you going to earn if you do some work for someone like your neighbors.

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

Introduction to Excel

          Excel is a type of spreadsheet software. Although Excel can be used to organize text, it is more commonly used to organize and process numbers in rows and columns. You can use Excel to make a schedule or to organize. There are many advantages to entering data in an Excel spreadsheet instead of a table in word, including. One of those advantages is that Excel has built-in formulas that can automatically calculate sums, averages, maximum values, and minimum values.
       Some of the things that business use Excel are budgets, sales figures, expense statements, and time cards. The people prefer to use Excel's built-in formulas instead of calculators to process data, because its eassy and faster to do it. Excel is different from Wrod, because in Word you can write Business or Personal letters and in Excel you can not write  any kind of letters.